We are blessed to add “Cousin Ray” to our homestead family! Ray is a rescue dog and he looks exactly like Baxter (except for his brown coat). Ray is a great dog, very sweet and friendly. He loves to explore the homestead with us and play with Baxter.
Ray’s foster family is amazing- they love Ray and trained him so well. We are so happy to have Ray and so is Baxter. Baxter has a new best friend for life and so do we.
MUSIC- 64 Sundays by Twin Musicom is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Artist: http://www.twinmusicom.org/
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HomesteadHow is about a family of six who left the city to live and grow on 20 acres. We are rookies sharing our journey with you. To all the preppers, homesteaders, or survivalists who wants to live a more simple live, come learn with us!
Videos will include fun projects related to woodworking, logging, gardening, livestock and more…We are not experts but learning hands-on and sharing our experiences with you.
Check out our new website: http://HomeSteadHow.com
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Please watch: “We BUILD a GREENHOUSE from Scratch, DIY!”